Evil Bastages ("EB") originally formed in 1997 on the Atlantic Shard in Ultima Online. We started as a small group of player-killers (PKs) and grew into one of the most successful faction guilds on the Atlantic Shard. After the game went carebear, EB moved on to Shadowbane, starting out on Scorn to get our bearing, and moving to the new server Vengeance, which we dominated (anyone who played Vengeance can attest to this) and where we made quite a name for ourselves (Google Evil Bastages and SB and find plenty of links). The ability to burn down people's towns they spent months working on is a game dynamic we miss greatly.
EB had brief stints in some other games after SB, such as DAOC, but ended up in WOW for quite awhile. We spent some years in WOW on the Skullcrusher server (and still have some members active there with the new expansion), squeezing as much PVP as we could out of a game really designed for PVE. An elite Warsong Gulch or "WSG" group was developed that made a name for itself dominating the opposition in match after match. After TBC, the guild would go on to do very well in arena season after season, routinely fielding teams rating in the top 5%.
We tried Age of Conan for 3 months. Babu, Oak, and Crab did generally become some of the most hated people playing during those months. Yeah, um, moving on.
After AoC we tried Warhammer with high hopes, and started with a large base of players. Sadly, many of our players were not satisfied with various aspects of WH and moved on to other things for the time being, with some members back in WOW for the expansion, and many members just going inactive with no quality MMO's available.
We planted a small crew gathering intel in Darkfall Beta and on EU-1 (paid beta lol). Now the release of the NA-1 Server has brought everyone back into action, out of retirement and into a single game once more. With just our core of existing members and a solid plan, EB was the 4th guild created on the NA-1 server and the 5th to claim a city. This is only the beginning.
Recruiting Guidelines:
EB is conducting limited recruiting to pick up a few quality players. This is not something we do often. We are looking for individuals who fit our play style; who are loyal, persistent, tenacious and most importantly, fun to be around.
Potential Recruits will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Please register on our forums at www.evilbastages.com and send a PM to any of our three Supreme Generals: Havock, Oakbow or myself. After a brief series of questions if we feel you have potential you will be assigned a guild officer who will explain the details of our recruitment policy and act as your sponsor during the trial period.
Some Evil Bastages Facts:
- EB is primarily Mirdain, Human, Alfar but recruiting is currently open to all races;
- We are NOT looking for crafters, our guild crafter is in the top 3 on NA-1;
- If your name is retarded to type for /invite I will reject you;
- You need to own and know how to use a piss jar;
- Recruitment is available to both NA and EU players, we have several non-US core members
- Our website is not professional - 99% of its use is for the extremely active private forums;
- Evil Bastages chat is R-rated;
- Children should not be allowed into EB without a parent or guardian;
- Evil Bastages has the hottest IRL women of any guild in Darkfall;
- Ventrillo is MANDATORY
- We have great love for large breasts
This guild is no joke. Once you're in, you're in with a solid gaming crew & won't ever have to look for another guild again. It's very rare & odd to see us actually recruiting. It's something that happens maybe once every couple years for a short while. So if you're interested in becoming part of something you probably will never get from somewhere else, then now's the time.
Back to the killing,
Official Recruitment Post: http://forums.darkfallonline.com/showthread.php?t=204650
Blog: evilbastages.blogspot.com
Website/Forums: www.evilbastages.com