Thursday, March 19, 2009


Another reason why I quit WoW two years ago:
If you are still playing WoW and have a Druid, Priest, Rogue or Warrior and have any desire to compete at the top level, you may as well quit too. Seven of the top 10 teams were DK/Paladin/Warlock.

I could go on a long rant as to why I think WoW sucks but I just don't have the time today. Feel free to leave a comment as to whether you think WoW sucks or if you want to defend this carebear game I am all ears as well.


Bear said...

This is a DF blog FUCK wow. =p

Jinato said...

its more broken than the chart shows because it neglects talent specs. 100% of the shaman and paladin here are healer.