Monday, March 9, 2009

Daylight Savings and American Ethnocentrism 4tw

Did you remember to set your clocks ahead an hour this weekend? If so it means you are most likely living in the continental US. It is also safe to assume that the majority of you assume that just because we set our clocks forward an hour this weekend that the rest of the world did as well.

Fortuntately for me this is not the case. While some countries do practice 'summer time' they have their own dates for when they make the change. What does this have to do with Darkfall? I like to believe all of the people who incorrectly calculated 7PM GMT as 2PM EST today and had given up by 3PM EST gave the servers enough breathing room to process my account activation on the first try. Either that or Tasos and company actually did something to increase the server capacity for their account management system. I like to think the reason lies with the fact that most Americans are self centered when it comes to world views.

Either way, I got my account activated today:

If you were unsuccessful today, try again tomorrow at 3PM EST. Suckers.


Bear said...

Grats; see you in game.

Grimhawke[EB] said...

Haha yeah I already turned red last night. Been training up my basic skills, got a mount, stockpiling food/pots. Will probably head up to the dwarf zone in the next day or two.